week 8: vocabulary and lesson reflection – sketchbook exercise on memory as a source for iterative drawing

featured image: Peace, by By Carla Trujillo

Key words: composition, shape, negative space, emphasis, scale, texture, balance, movement, pattern, proportion, repetition, rhythm, unity, and variety, inking, collagraph print, collage, brayer, baren, alignment, deckle edge, color mixing

In your Sketchbook/Journal create the following entries:

  1. On the left hand side of your sketchbook/journal do the following writing exercise: using the new vocabulary (in blue above) from class, write a short paragraph describing what you did in class.  Answer these questions: what was the best part about creating a collagraph print and why? What was the most difficult or frustrating part about pulling a print? How did you overcome the challenge?  
  2. On the right  side of your journal entry for this week … sketch from your memory (if you took a photo on your camera you can use that) one or both of your collagraph prints…thus making another iteration of your design.  

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