The Process:
- Prezi
- Looked at the problem of access at a local, national, and global level
- I decided to focus on the MTA because it’s a problem that’s very close to me
- Mapping
- I mapped the different kinds of people who took either the bus or the train
- I noticed whether they walked or were driven to the station.
- I also noticed what they were carrying, groceries vs. briefcases. This indicated things like if they were going home or to work, and what class they could have been in.
- Object and Interview
- Focused in on the MetroCard and its pricing
- I graphed annual ridership vs. changes in fare price.
- I interviewed a woman who worked with the LIRR who spoke to me about how pricing works.
- Storyboard: Social Emergency
- Created a scenario where the base price for the MTA was $15.00
- This caused immense congestion on the streets and no one was taking the subways or buses.
The Strategies:
- Strategy #1: Cheaper Means of Transportation
- A bus that replaces the path of the MTA
- Membership for the bus would be based a family’s income; basically a sliding scale.
- It would be cheaper than the MTA and would rely on donations from the public.
- Strategy #2: Photography Gallery
- Gallery would showcase the struggles of those who have to walk everywhere
- How walking everywhere affects the elderly and the handicapped
- Strategy #3: Supportive Fabric
- I wanted to come up with fabric that would support people who have to walk everywhere.
- Thick, sturdy fabric for athletic wear
Link To Presentation: