Where Am I From?
- Long Island, New York
- Surrounded by water
- Long Island Sound
- Atlantic Ocean
- NYS average temperature has risen 1°F – 3°F in the last century
- Sea is rising about one inch every 10 years
- Amount of CO2 has risen 40% since the late 1700s
- Heavy rainstorms will recur more often
(Source: EPA.gov; Aug 2016)
Climate Hazards
- Inundation- rise in water level
- Rain Storms- increased humidity in the air
- Coastal Erosion- rise in water level
- Heat Waves- increased temperature
- Natural Disasters- range of causes depending on kind of disaster
- Problematic Effects on Agriculture- increased temperature
(Source: C40.org; 2016)
Potential Water Lever Elevation- as of Apr. 2016
Today- 0 feet
100 to 300 Years- 5 feet
Year 2300- 12 feet
Upcoming Centuries- 25 feet
(Source: The New York Times; 2016)
- Social Attributes
- Flooding and loss of coastal homes
- Increases home insurance premiums.
- Affecting day to day lives and economy
- Small initial effect, but large final result
- Increase in heat may bring about new diseases, affecting human health and well being. (Source: EPA.gov)
- Flooding and loss of coastal homes
- Physical Attributes
- Makes living spaces smaller, forcing more people into smaller plots of land.
- Pollution of all water
- Flooding will lead to sewer overflows, which eventually all leads back to the bodies of water and to our drinking water. (Source: EPA.gov)
- Rise in water will disrupt ecosystems, leading to the eventual extinction of species
- Economic Attributes
- Increased chance of flood will cause an increase in flood insurance premiums.
- Destruction of coastal businesses
- Ex. Increase in rain will result in less snow, especially Upstate New York. Affects winter recreation businesses, then economy, and then people’s lives and costs of living. (Source: EPA.gov)
Local Adaptive Capacities
- People don’t feel the need to act because climate change is not affecting their lives gravely in the present moment
- Organizations and groups whose goal is slowing down the effects of climate change.
- Laws and reforms that aid in the conservation of the Earth
- Rallies, protests, marches