New Museum Reflection

In the New Museum, the installations from Marguerite Humeau called the “Birth Canal” attracted me the most. The series of artworks extract inspirations from the prehistoric Venus figurines. The Venus figurines are believed to be fertility objects that illustrate the first connection between art and religion. They were created in the upper Paleolithic period, the Late Stone Age, of about 50,000 to 10,000 years ago. The artworks consist of not only sculptures but also light, sound, and scent. As people walk into the exhibition the light becomes dark, they can still find the road toward the sculpture, since all the lights are focused on them. There are no harsh and intense lights, everything is soft and smooth. Moreover, some of the sculptures are made of stones, and others covered with cast bronze. Most of them are alien-like, but the viewers can still distinguish the human or female forms. The platforms of where the sculptures are displayed are painted in grey, which makes the viewers only focus on the sculptures. With the dark lighting, grey and black background, and the soundtrack being played in the background, the overall exhibition gives horror-movie vibes.


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