Drawing & Imaging -Project 4

The theme for project 4 is “sequential Space, motion, meaning digital photography”. For this project, we were supposed to find a topic during interviews or conversations had with our partners. During our talks, he mentioned multiple things that interested me, however, I decided to choose school bullying, which is a serious issue that exists all around the world, and I wanted to focus specifically on bullying on homosexual teenagers.

This is an image that I found online, and I used this form as the canvas of my project. I used statistics on how many teenagers are being bullied in school because of their sexualities. I distorted the texts to match the shape of the rope.

I used the three imaged above to portray the places that teenagers are usually bullied in, bullying happens in locker rooms quite often. Thus I utilized lockers and locker room as the background. Since bullying is usually unrevealed, it is hidden, thus I photoshopped the images in a very dark and horror movie way.


For the second piece, I chose to use school bathrooms as the background. It is also another commonplace that bullies happen.



For the image on top of the two dark images, I placed a bloody demand figure. Since anyone can be a bully, I wanted to create this genderless feeling. Thus I used this mask as a canvas and utilized the reasons why they become a bully to form the whole mask. And usually, the demand or the bully is hidden beneath the mask.

This is the final result when I place three of them all together. 

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