LP10 Patterns, Materials, Construction Week 1

The first piece that I constructed was the bottom Skirt.

The first Muslin Prototype that I constructed on a mannequin. It looked rounded and just like my design.

Thus I used it as my pattern for the skirt.

However, when I sewed the skirt together, it did not fit me, since the mannequin was skinnier than me, thus I added a few inches to the sides. And it did not turn out so rounded, but I decided to utilize the pattern anyway.

For the seam allowance, I added one inch, since I had to sew the wire with this, thus I left more space.

I sewed on the wire on one side, and this was the result.

Then, two pieces of wires were inserted into the sides of the skirt. I also wanted to include darts, thus the skirt would fit me more, and I just learned this technique from Soft Structure, hence I wanted to utilize it in this project.

When it came to choosing the fabrics, I initially chose velvet, however, taffeta was another great choice. It was budget friendly and had this reflective and spacy feeling to it, which could be connected with Klaus Nomi.

The process for the actual piece was the same as the prototype since the prototype turned out the same as my design. The only thing different was sewing on the zipper. I hand sew the zipper first, thus the zipper would not move around, and made the sewing process on the industrial machine much easier. Moreover, for the sides, I hand sew on the wire instead of utilizing the industrial machine, since it would be much more difficult to control, and the stitches would show through.

For the circled wires, I wrapped the wire around a water bottle cap, and twisted, thus the wire would be tightened around the cap, and follow the shape of it, which is round.

For the first ensemble, I did not take a lot of process photos when I was sewing the actual piece since I was very focused on the clothes, I was sewing and sewing constantly, and I forgot to take pictures. It was quite challenging to figure out how to sew the wire piece to the skirt, after multiple experiments with Muslim, I finally figured it out, the process took much more time than I expected, this next time I hope I could obtain more time to finish the next piece.

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