
Sequential Recut

Sequential Recut

The story that I am going to retell is based on an ancient Chinese folktale, the story of Lady Meng…

Studio Bridge 2

For bridge 2, I decided to create an article of clothing in response to my visit to the museum of…
Visual Narrative

Visual Narrative     For the visual narrative, I wanted to create this suffocated and scary effect, just like the old…

Bridge 2 Reflection

In the beginning, I was shocked by the assignment. Since I had to interview someone that I was not familiar…

Soundscape Project

    The soundtrack depicted a nightmare I had after visiting a museum on a rainy day. On that day,…


For the first class of the day, I had to wait for the elevator to come up since I live on…
Discussion post

Discussion post

"Riot Kiss" by Richard Lam In 2011 June 16th, the final match for the Stanley Cup began, it was a…
Selfless Selfie

Selfless Selfie

I listed all of the items that I bought in New York within the last two weeks. These objects are…
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