Integrative Seminar 2: Bridge 1

Fieldwork Process –



What I found most interesting about this fieldwork process is how aware I became about every little thing in the 16th building. That building itself, just like the city, has a visual overload with many, many, many flyers, posters or signs. Therefore, when walking to class or going from one point to another, we aren’t able to focus on a single thing and really analyze the words or the pictures. But with the exercise, for me at least, I was able to take the time to read and find things I didn’t know where there before. My favorite things I found and what I tended to focus on the most were the emergency signs. I never catch myself reading those signs because I am not in an emergency, just in a rush to get to class. For some reason when I did read those warnings, I found them amusing.

After writing my first draft, I felt very lost because from my research I grabbed so much information that it was hard to just pinpoint and idea for my poem. It was like I was hit was a visual overload all over again and was unable to focus and concentrate. However, I do like the approach I went with my poem; it has a nice rhythm to it and is a nice foundation that needs polishing.

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