Response to Grace Paley’s Traveling

In Grace Paley’s piece on “Traveling” her status as a stranger does very easily enable her to resist the injustice of segregation, the events that she speaks about in her memoir are all recurring similar situations of events that have taken place through her life. The memoir reitertates how caucasian privilege is still apparent to this very day, though there have been several demonstrations to create a voice for the minority races in our world, there is still a lot that needs to be spoken about. The piece, on the surface is about the racism of the time where each of the phases were written but is also about the events that stick with us and shape us to person that we are and about the connections that exist between members of a family. It can be easily derived that Paley’s mother had extremely strong opinions on oppression, and we can infer that her mother was the one who first began to teach Paley about oppression and helped her to create a backbone for going against the regime.

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