Time Map Project

Time Map:

In this piece, I have explored the Hindu elephant god, Ganesh, in a critical way in which I have scrutinized the presence of God in our lives. Growing up in a very religious household, where God was always praised and worshipped, I began to question its existence when coming into contact with various realities. In the Indian culture and society, we are inculcated into thinking and believing that God holds the highest power and that we are in debt to him. In my piece I have created work on two acrylic glass pieces where I have made two very different works of art. On the glass with the red patterned silhouette Ganesh I have created a very intricate design where I am demonstrating God to be perfect through the near-perfect lines. Whereas on the other glass panel I have made a collage with imagery from India that questions whether god is with us in every aspect.  When put together the piece symbolizes the juxtaposition between this seemingly perfect deity and the imperfect reality of our world.

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