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Dear Climate

Dear Climate,

I’m sorry that so many people deny that you’re going through changes.

Honestly speaking, I believe that they are simply refusing to admit that we are guilty of causing it.

Why? Because that would put us at fault and make us responsible for taking care of you.

I’m sorry about that, but I will personally do whatever is within my power to help you get better!

I believe we are the reason you are in this mess, so we should see to it that you get out of it.

I lived in Bangladesh for a while and have personally witnessed some of the flooding that occurs in the areas that are supposedly less prone to such things, I can’t imagine how terrible it would be for that nation and other low-lying coastal areas around the world once the sea-levels rise. I hope that the environmentalists of my generation and those after me can all work together to help avoid a natural-disaster stricken planet.

I want this world to have a future, and that can only happen if we save you, so that’s what I hope to do.

Sincerely yours,


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