


I choose to take Japanese class this semester because of the influence I got from reading and watching manga and anime when I was young. Watching anime made me see Japanese language as a beautiful one and would like to learn about it since, so I would be able to enjoy without the need of translations. I also choose to take the class this semester to learn more about the proper structure and grammar of the language, as I casually learned basic hiragana and phrases from a friend a long time ago and never got the chance to actually learn it as well as deepen my understanding and knowledge of Japanese language.



  1. sourialn · November 2, 2018 Reply

    タタさん、日本語のクラスへようこそ!Glad you decided to take Japanese this semester. I hope you are learning grammar and structures of the language in this class. わたしもアニメがすきですよ!

  2. tiant704 · November 4, 2018 Reply

    I think it is really good that leaning a language because of your interests in this culture. People says that Interest in the best teacher.

  3. supaa687 · November 9, 2018 Reply

    I can totally relate to the whole thing about wanting to be able to watch anime and read manga without a subtitle! I also think that it’s good you’re learning out of interest instead because it honestly makes learning a new language easier in a way.

  4. Heesung Tak · December 16, 2018 Reply

    はじめまして イントロ2のヒサンのです。ファッションデザイン せんこうです 。よろしく!

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