Real & Fake

1. In the first picture, this character about the old Chinese farmer character. My inspiration of this character come from a movie I have watched before. This movie was called the I Am Not Madame Bovary. This movie was built up an old Chinese women farmer character. I put the make up on by using her as model to really create different kind of me. And the second picture is a puberty girl, she is a little bit rebellious. Her style is advance and boldly. And this character almost close to Gothic. Especially eyes color, hair color and some fancy tattoo upon the face.

2.In the first picture, the personality is a old Chinese farmer kind and hardworking. The second picture is a gothic girl, she was advance and boldly. And somehow a little bit rebellious.

3.In my real life, I am just a student who need to work hard at the week day, and on weekend I always hangout with my friend. I am not that old, and loves to wear causal wear, there is not a specific style I like, and I not born in farmer family or nouveau riche family too. But I have really cute family, my Dad, my Mom and my lovely Grandma. They give me really sweet children hood.

4.The most challenge things at this project was the inspiration started this project.  How to create the different character.

5. My favorite things in this project is the movement I took the picture. I enjoy to see the different identity I created.

6. Yes, I did. I think all of the art are come from the really life. Those character are coming from the life. I like to be creative but always base on the really life.


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