Interview questions, Sketches, Mind Maps, and Test Shots

1. First, I’d like you to quickly describe the time of day we went to this football game, where it was, and on what day. 

3. Can you give me a chronological break down of what you remember from that last game – starting from when we woke up?

4. Tell me the importance of these games – you and I both know these aren’t just simply football games. You went to school there, your parents went to school there.. what does this mean to you?

5. We went tailgating – this is often times one of my favorite parts of going to these football games because of the memories created. Close your eyes, and tell me what you remember from this tailgate. 

6. Can you tell me about other times we’ve gone to games throughout our lives? Their similarities/differences to this game?

7. I know that there’s a sense of tradition we have when it comes to these games – I myself have been going to them since before I can even remember. What can you say about these traditions considering that you’ve been going to to them starting way before I was born?

8. How do you remember feeling, knowing it was our last game together? What did that mean to you given the traditions our family has created surrounding these games?

9. We agree that the overall feeling was bittersweet. Despite this bittersweet feeling and knowing that in some way it was the end of an era, do you still look forward to what’s to come?

10. Do you think this last football game was one that will leave a lasting memory for many years to come?

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