Bridge 1 Critique – Cassandra – DAI – February 7, 2019


DESCRIBE the piece using noticing skills.

  • Please describe a minimum of five different noticings you have: Bowling pins, reptile, girl, limited color palette (color scheme – warm tones with fairly high saturation), no border (“bleeds” off the page), cross hatching utilized for yellow background, foreground/background depicted through use of pink noodles, movement shown, eye flows throughout the piece because of pink noodles, you can tell where the “light source” is placed based off of highlights/lowlights (helps viewers understand dimensionality), repetition – sets of threes occasionally shown (three holes in bowling ball and three pins)

2. ANALYZE the piece using the Elements and Principles of Design

  • What are five separate elements or principles of design that you noticed in the piece?: Line, size, color, repetition and space
  • Please describe how these elements or principles are employed (used) in the pieceLine (through the light crosshatching in the background, the linear quality of the noodles, and the stripes on the pins), size (reptile, bowling ball, pins, and noodles all seem larger than life due to the size of the girl in the piece – unless both she and the reptile are small? Bowling pins are huge? Everything is relative to one another), color (limited color palette consisting of warm tones – fairly high saturation), repetition (sets of threes occasionally shown), and space (“light source” and space created / taken up by noodles helps viewers understand dimensionality)
  • What relationships do you notice among the elements?: Together they create a piece that feels like it has some depth (also created through the use of overlapping) and contains various linear qualities that are mostly organic – organic lines create a feeling of their own. Its a space that viewers can explore, their gaze flowing throughout the piece.

3. INTERPRET: Practicing Bohmian Arising/ Self Noticing:

  • What connections do you make
    • To your life?:  The things depicted (bowling ball, pins, noodles, a reptile, and a girl) are all things that I am familiar with and have come up in my life in some way. Another personal connection I make is how the yellow ochre used in the background (a color that I’m pretty fond of and can be found in several of the things I own) is the color of my record player (an item thats important to me in regards to how I got it) – definitely something that brings me joy, which goes back to the idea of a “playground” and “playing”.
    • The world?: The idea of a “playground” and “play / playing” ties in with the idea of childhood, and fact that most people were probably considered imaginative and playful in their own childhood most likely helps them relate to the piece in some way.
  • What elements of design do you notice – and how do those portray the essence of the piece?: The way elements such as line, size, color, repetition and space are used in this piece create a space/dimension that viewers can explore, their gaze flowing throughout thanks to the noodles tying everything together. This created “space” helps portray the essence of the piece in how its symbolic of a playground and evokes emotions like joy and nostalgia.
  • Questions asked during critique: What is the media? What is the meaning behind it?


  • If you could tell the artist anything about their work – what would you say?: I think you did a good job at conveying that last thought you had (playground) and its interesting how you were able to combine all your thoughts into one piece as opposed to 5 different ones. Everyone during critique initially had different interpretations of what the noodles could be, and I actually like how that element is a bit abstract in that way. Also a fan of the highlights/lowlights, especially those found in the pins.
  • Think about the INTERPRET portion of the DAI… Please recommend a website, article, book, artist, film, blog to the artist: Laocoon and His Sons sculpture (hellenistic)

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