Drawing & Imaging: Perspective


Before working on linear perspective, our class first tried to hone down on our line drawing skills (playing with line weight and seeing how that makes certain areas pop). Some things we had picked up were how overlapping forms help create space/depth and how three-dimensional forms could be achieved through the use of cross contour lines. Knowing these things, we then applied them to our perspective drawings (as seen above). The first image is comprised of two 24″ by 18″ sheets that are side by side while the bottom image is a 24″ by 18″ sheet depicting an imaginary room I created. Lessons included:

  • Lines all converge to a vanishing point (which lands on the horizon line AKA your eye level)
  • The idea that things get smaller the further they go in space
  • If color were involved, colors would mute and fade the further away they are – colors up close are more vibrant and clear with crisp lines. Since we focused on line, we made the things closer to the foreground pop using line weight.

Although I learned about perspective back in high school, it was good to revisit it and touch up on my skills. Something I’m still trying to work on is line weight.

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