Bridge 4: Zine

Bridge Project 4: Introduction to ResearchStudents will create a zine that addresses political issues in the dystopian world of The Hunger Games. Each student will take a position on the social issue of their choosing and create a zine as agitational propaganda. You will use the content of the film to explore the particulars of social issues that plague that world. Any social issue presented within the universe of the film is fair game. Social issues are experienced by a multitude of people, problems that extend beyond an individual, and involve perception by the society as a whole. All students will create and use visuals to help better demonstrate their argument. Along with visual language, each zine will have textual content that will lay out the political issue and make an argument for a particular position on that issue. The zine you create should be at least six pages plus a front and back cover. Consider the physical elements of the zine you create. What information can be relayed through the type of paper, the size of zine, the colors you use, etc? Be specific about your choices!

notes from the movie on social issues:



research from the real world:


television (news, reality tv!), Advertisements,

-How to manipulate media.

-effects peoples self image.

-we are constantly surrounded by it

-companies own everything and focus on strategies to persuade.

-it effects what we buy, who we vote for, and how we think we should look and act.

-can be misleading

-* is used by big companies and such to force and persuade people to buy into it all. they use media and advertisements as a way to persuade us all.

-also works as entertainment



Some sources:

The book that I am using for research:

6 Examples of Media Manipulation


I wanted my zine to sort of promote, or show off how a person from the capital of Panem would appreciate it and convince others to use Media to control. So I decided to keep it very colorful as thats how what they love, along with the font which seems very formal and capital-esque. But pretty much I just wanted this to be explanatory while mostly being simple.


scans from my zine:






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