Time Final


I have done a couple of versions of this as I am unsure what one is most successful in content and in the ways of displaying it to the class.
A month ago I was in a traumatic situation which I thought that I was getting over but in the past week or so I have been having awful feelings again. This event and such made me re question my mortality, while as a child I didn’t really believe it. I think of myself as pretty self aware but am still unsure of who is within me and am still struggling with self. Thinking of different ways in which i can know myself better I remembered this from a long time ago but someone told me that we have never seen our own faces without another medium and because of not seeing ourselves in first person, we wouldn’t be able to recognize our self if we passed each other on the street. So I began to be curious to why i sometimes look different to myself, and how can I know myself better. How are we supposed to be the ones who know ourselves the best, when we wouldn’t supposedly can’t even recognize ourselves. So I filmed myself for 30 min looking at myself. Although the beginning is boring form the middle to the end really attracts me. Now that I see it I would love to do the same but in a long period of time( like 24 hours) in a mirror and shoot it. I then wanted to play around with interior and exterior within ourselves and my surroundings.
Would really like feedback on how I can edit this further. I guess I am just having a hard time figuring out what’s internally happening and I don’t really know how else to show it. I am using this class more than others for experimental practices.

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