IDS Check In : Week 2

This past week Emma, Kat, Nau, and I planned out our 3 zines broadly and today we were able to narrow down and discuss what we need to do in the next coming week.

For one we decided to base it off of Yoko Ono’s Grapefruit in that we want prompts/poster for all mental health.

When I read about this book what I found most fascinating about it was that she decided to publish this on July4th, as it was her own declaration of independence. So I feel like this book it sort of an ode to feeling okay and I find it relative to the structure being a cocoon and being a comfortable place. Here we are as a zine group having a book of feelings and here this structure is holding all these people with similar emotions in it.

We are thinking for our other one to reach out to our immediate community. We spoke with Amy about reaching out to an organization about mental health, and we realized how much we really aren’t even connected on a mental health place with even our friends and family. So we decided we want to collaborate with them. Simply on regular printer paper use their works in hand with ours.

Next Weeks Goals:

– Make my specific 5 81/2 x 11 zine pieces for Wednesday’s class.

-Make mock ups of each zine

-Make sure people are submitting documentation so that we can use that.

We need to communicate better and be able to document it.

Figure out how to utilize the other groups more.



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