Visiting the Cooper-Hewitt Museum

Process Lab

Hello I care about: Connectivity

Question: How might we restore housing after natural disasters?

Two Design Tactics: Public Art and Landfill

My Idea: A museum can feature artists, architectures and designers that re-use materials from landfill and educate visitors on how they used recycled materials and how we benefit the environment when we recycle. The proceeds of the museum can go to restoring houses after natural disasters and use recycled but sustainable materials to repair the homes.

To make this idea successful, I would need more information on what types of materials can be produced into items that can build a house and if it is possible. I would also have to do the math of how much of the museum’s proceeds would be able to go to this foundation because the museum needs to make a certain amount of money to continue running. It might be more beneficial to support an organization that is already successfully running and make donations towards their cause.

By the People: Designing A Better America exhibit

Empowering system: I think the Crest Apartments were an empowering exhibit. It is a designed space for disabled individuals and veterans living in Los Angeles streets. The apartments would be located where there are easy connections for help, resources, and public transportation. The space also includes social services, and a mobile health clinic. The design can be easily accessed by firetrucks and has a special design for views, natural light, air, and privacy. The idea is well-thought out, well designed, and can make a huge impact for the homeless and make a statement for their community. There is a simple solution with a plan that can easily be done when proposed to an authority.

Prohibitive system: The Designing Justice and Designing Spaces is a facility for the community to engage with jails and prisons. The design encourages people of all communities and lifestyles to envision different types of justice environments and how they can impact criminals. The project provided three Workshop Models. The Genesis Project Model encourages teaching positive reinforcement and teaching self-respect so that communities will welcome them when they are released. I think this system is ineffective because the design is unclear and so are the intentions. I think the idea is a bit unrealistic considering I lived on a street with a registered sex offender and the community, including myself, felt threatened when he was released. Also, this idea of the community coming together for visits produces a “zoo” type of vibe which I don’t think would be very welcoming or comfortable for the people in jail.



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