[Intro to Fashion Studies] Inclass Writing #2

Topic: What I consider to be ‘glamorous’, and what object have made me feel that ‘glamour’


To be honest, from my country South Korea, the word ‘glamorous’ is only used to refer to women who have giant curves on their bodies. People only with body like Kim Kardashian were called glamorous and skinny celebrities were never called glamorous although every hipsters followed their styles. This made me accept the definition of ‘glamour’ proposed in the reading for this week at instance saying that that being glamorous is being envied by others, and being the dream-self of others. I just felt that I was finally informed with the word’s proper meaning. Now that I learned the meaning of the word and observed its use for the first time, the I consider people who are envied by others as glamorous – these could be not only limited to those with curvy body, but could also extend to people with wealth that others envy, or even talent like ability to sing.

After listening to question about what object have made me feel that glamour, I tried to recall any moment that made me feel envied by others or got the most compliments from them. I think the moment when I feel the most glamorous is when I am on Instagram – I don’t have tons of followers, I just have thousands, but still, getting likes from people whom I don’t know and receiving DMs from people asking about makeups and dresses I wear is pretty thrilling.

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