Posts Tagged "Time"

Video Essay

In this project, I made a video essay telling the story of exploring the concept of time and its measurement,…
Broken Clock

Broken Clock

Concept: Time is as abstract concept that doesn’t work without measurement. Different cultures have different ways to measure time. Historically…

Title Sequence

This project is to make a video for an imaginary TV show. Storyboard: TV show abstract: TV show name: The Distance.…


This is a video I made with materials from the last project "Time Archive". I remixed the photos and footages…
Time Archive

Time Archive

Reading reflection: After reading Understanding Comics, I learned several things: how comic put pictures in sequences and how icons work psychologically.…
Mapping Time

Mapping Time

Description of the assignment: Design a timeline with 8 key events. My Concept: I read The Visual Representation of Time by Marilyn…
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