What is Fashion?

  1. What is fashion?

The term ‘fashion’ has gone through significant transformations since when it was first coined as a legitimate area of study. It has gone beyond pure aesthetics and found a place deeper in the hearts of individuals. Fashion ignites a social, economic and environmental response in the world today. Social in terms of aspects such as class, identity, and other subject matters; economic in terms of the complex business and commercial structure of the industry; and environmental in terms of the road down sustainability and the future model of fashion. It is important to note the intersectionality between fashion and style-body-dress. Fashion divides itself into different categories and displays a wide range of sections that can be broadened each individually. The term style-body-dress explores a different realm that compliments the term fashion in the way that fashion relies on style-body-dress as a canvas for creativity.


One aspect of fashion that stood out to me the most throughout my course of reading is the idea that “fashion involves becoming collectively with others”. I think Kaiser put it excellently; one reason is because this is how I feel daily and this is what pushed me to pursue a career in this field. Fashion is a world that requires entering; it is a community that is built through collective experiences and hardships. People outside of this community often misconceive the people who are in it. The community tackles ideals beyond glamor and beauty which is often how outsiders view this industry. Fashion is transcendent. For me, it has become a lifestyle rather than a major I am pursuing in college. It is very every day for me; it has become synonymous to eating, sleeping and breathing. It breeds a habit.

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