Media Consumption

Tracking my media consumption for 3 days was definitely a challenging task for me. I am not usually one to track my media usage because generally, I try to limit the amount of time I spend on it as a whole. Instead of looking at my screen time percentages for apps, I simply will stop using devices if my brain starts to feel polluted by outer influences. For example, when scrolling through Instagram, I make sure to reduce the amount of time I spend on there because it overstimulates me which then increases my anxiety and other unhealthy coping mechanisms. However, I did enjoy looking at the hard data in the screen time setting. I found that out of 3 weekend days, Saturday was the day I spent the longest on my phone. This came as no surprise to me because I go to work on that day, and alway check my phone when bored. However, I was not expecting the other 2 days to be significantly lower usages. Something else I learned was that my most used apps are Instagram, Twitter, Maps, and Music. One of the reasons why I don’t normally check my screen time is because I try to stay off my phone as much as I can. Unless I’m doing something productive, I don’t like staring at my phone screen. It hurts my brain and tends to negatively impact my mood if I dwell on it too much. I would prefer to do as I feel at the moment, in real life.

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