Int. Sem 2: About

Some random facts about me:

I have been a vegetarian for 10 years.
I’m the last of three kids and it shows.
I have played soccer for most of my life.
I can’t draw but I love designing clothes.
Living in California has molded my personality in terms of what I enjoy doing and the way I think.
I never took a single art class in high school.
I love traveling and learning about other cultures more than anything else.
I enjoy sewing and other things that require me to work with my hands.
I really care about people and my relationships with them; others well-being affects me a lot.
I am very interested in psychology and how the brain functions.
I hate planning things; if I’m doing something it was a spontaneous decision or someone else planned it.
I absolutely hate when people are rude for no reason, especially to waiters and people who are just trying to their job.
I don’t really have a filter.
I am obsessed with jewelry.
When I was 16 I went skydiving over the Fiji Islands and wasn’t scared at all until we reached about 10,000 feet and I looked out the window. I didn’t freak out or anything but I suddenly realized what I was about to do. I still jumped and it was incredible; it was definitely one of the best experiences of my life.

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