Reflection on the UN trip

The UN trip inspired me a lot. When talked about climate change, they provided many ways of development. I think one of the most effective ways they listed is to consider the effects of decisions on future generations. I’ve always mentioned the importance of younger generations in the past reflections, people are repeating the same mistake all the time because of the limited education on environmental problems. I think the idea of protecting our environment should be taught in the earlier time. For example, I started to really learn things about sustainability is from this class, me, as a university student, it is somehow too late to learn these things and to truly understand the importance. Climate change causes the severe pain to the earth, but the rest of 20 years I had probably done things that aren’t good for the environment or either done some “contributions” to make the weather worse. It does not depend on a single human being but I’ve noticed there are thousands, millions of people like me, know nothing about how severe the climate change is right now, and this severe problem is produced by us. I hope all the sustainable classes could be scheduled into the elementary schools so at least they would have the sustainability idea in minds with them.

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