Post 4

My goal for the remainder of the semester is to effectively express that which I really feel the students need to work on.  They largely don’t email me, despite my attempts, and yet are friendly, respectful, and open towards me in the classroom.  My line edits I hand back to the students with a short response to the piece at large I have no way of knowing if they read.  I’ve found some materials online that deal in artistic redundancy when the artist is talking about art (a huge issue in the classroom) that I think will be just removed enough for them to understand the larger issues behind my weekly critiques of their reading responses.  I’m going to email that to the classroom before our next meeting and see if it has any effect, or really, any sort of philosophical feedback on the part of those who need it.  I will also be handing out the fliers this Friday to my students for the student wellbeing services, I don’t know how it will go as my class doesn’t have a huge space for that.  I think I may leave them by the door so as to not make a huge disruption of it and I’ll just say a few words, but I don’t want there to be any pressure of peers “watching who takes one” kind of thing.

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