WFM 65: Shop Til We Drop, Field Trip, Waste and Want

Throughout Why Fashion Matters, facts are incorporated, but the boldest, black and white facts are highlighted specially. Section 52 states that, “The fashion industry is hugely important economically. It is worth over $1 trillion globally and ranked the second biggest worldwide economic activity for intensity of trade” (Corner, 70).  A dense amount of this circulation is the partnership of marketers and the consumers that keep the cycle spinning. More specifically, section 65, “Shop ‘Til We Drop” writes about this consistent, daily longing to shop. Linda Grant pinpoints the beginning of this human desire on to the Industrial Revolution because of “mass production, railways the development of urban centers and a lot of workers developing a new infrastructure” (Corner, 88).


Ford Motors and General Motors (both companies talked about and visited frequently back when I lived in Michigan), are two prime examples from Waste and Want that both support and argue Linda Grant’s targeting. Ford humbly worked for the customers and industry instead of himself, while General Motors strived for the name of innovation. Ford not only “created the assembly line in 1913, but he continually lowered the price of the product, and focused pricing as his marketing strategy” (Strasser, 193). Meanwhile, GM marketed for freshness and held yearly model changes in size and color, but complicated the control and simplicity of sales. Neither did well alone with their own strategies. Competition rose, and money was lost. Yet they did widen their market to second hand cars. It may not have been as profitable as a brand new car, but it drove the beginning of parts. Between the two, industry was educated how to make profit and appeal to consumers with advertising. Price and innovation. And also taught was the concept of professional second handing and remodeling/retouching.


In regards to the Housing Works distribution center, a location of professional second handling for clothing, accessories and furniture, it correlates to Corner’s section again when she states that in the most recent years fashion “roots an insatiable desire for more-more risk, more money, more rewards” (Corner, 89). Basically, the rich have a quick turn around for clothing and give them to donation places, while the thrifty risk a clothing’s unknown whereabouts for their fashion. Regardless, the “I’m worth it” attitude is what sold to consumers, and they embrace it. This attitude goes from clothing, food, services, or events. Our consumerism kryptonite is our natural, sinful desire for greed and insecurity of current status. We may not even be aware of this attitude at times, but the marketers grasp onto it like leeches to make us bleed financially, for the attitude to only repeat again. Therefore, the partnership between advertisers and consumers strengthen further and the fashion industry’s wallet gets thicker.

1 Comment

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