Posts by: hoekt677

LP Post 5-Fashion

LP Post 5-Fashion

  Fashion is the conscious embodiment of present and ideal expressions in forms that assimilate with culture and society that…
IFS Post 2

IFS Post 2

"Gender is not fixed in clothes; instead, symbols and meaning of gender float across appearances and context" (Kaiser, 133). Gender…
Bliss Midterm

Bliss Midterm

  Bliss S/S '19 Collection An outer expression of inner joy and pure happiness. Medium: Poly Satin, Natural Crystals  …
Research Proposals

Research Proposals

To begin, I have two threads of research that will further be elaborated to become more specific, yet both still…
Object Analysis

Object Analysis

I decided to choose my Maison Lesage embroidery outcome as my favored object to further elaborate themes of myself. When…
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