Creative Tech Project 2: Body Dismorphia

In project two of Creative Technical Studio, it was an emphasis of body dysmorphia. After research, I found out that body dysmorphic disorder is a “body-image disorder characterized by persistent and intrusive preoccupations with an imagined or slight defect in one’s appearance. People with BDD can dislike any part of their body, although they often find fault with their hair, skin, nose, chest, or stomach. In reality, a perceived defect may be only a slight imperfection or nonexistent. But for someone with BDD, the flaw is significant and prominent, often causing severe emotional distress and difficulties in daily functioning.” Learning about these conditions/symptoms, I decided on two features. I wanted to emphasize what I found beautiful, the back, and emphasize my insecurities, the hips. Through this I instantly knew I wanted to create a dress with a boat neckline and an exposed back.

Keeping the mindset of continuously challenging myself during my second year at Parsons School of Design, I decided to pursue the other Shingo Sato dart elimination technique with curves. This seemed to have challenged other classmates, so I decided to conquer it. I strategically placed the curves along the hips, drawing attention to an area I normally disguise. By doing so, I incorporated my design aesthetic of pattern on pattern by consciously aligning stripes to be perpendicular and diagonal throughout the dress. Through the lines, the dress brings attention to the bodice, the hips, the back, and the newly learned technique of flares.

Besides the newly learned techniques and formal research of body dysmorphia, I also drew inspiration from the late 1950s- early 1960s. They played with geometry and gave similar silhouettes.

Certainly, I found this dress to be a challenge. It took a couple of muslin samples to practice and accomplish the curved Shingo Sato piece. It was also difficult with sewing a bias strip for the first time, and cutting the pattern pieces to align the stripes in the preferred direction. However, I do believe through the pattern, silhouette, and challenging techniques, this dress represents me well, therefore am very pleased with it’s final outcome.

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1 Comment

  1. Mike Rooney · March 11, 2024 Reply

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