Six Word Story


This six word story poetical writes the dramatic prose of engulfing envy, a trait centered around my tribe. These words were chosen from my tribe description and then laid out into a circling effect, similar to the idealism of envy, constantly evolving for acceptance. In this piece, I used the literal words to enhance the poem. “Longing” was elongated, “unidentifiable” with a lower opacity, “layering” in different heights, etc. This piece is successful because I utilized a personal photograph and incorporated it into the symbolism of the words and the overall theory of the Envy Tribe.

1 Comment

  1. Mike Rooney · January 26, 2024 Reply

    This is excellent article, thank you for the share! This is what I am looking for, hope in future you will continue sharing such an superb work.
    Fool Me Once Jackets

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