
Stop Motion Process

What memory are you manipulating? How cancer has killed and revived women, and it’s the scarf that brings hope and…

MoMi Visit

On October 30th, 2015, I embarked to an unfamiliar territory, Queens. This place held MoMi, which gave birth a new…

Perspective Landscape

Broken Home 18x 48 Displaying the broken household among the examples of prestige, it captivates the complexity against the simplicity…


The Rape of the Daughter of Leucippus by Peter Paule Rubens. In this example we can see the strong vertical…

Audio Experience

Quite adventurously, we (Jo and I) sought to make a unique memory together by trying Indian food while using a…
Memory Captured

Memory Captured

[audio m4a=""][/audio] While recapturing the memory with Jo from Panna II, I was mostly inspired by the perspective Jo had…

Figure in an Environment

charcoal 18x24 I drew the lively model in a regal environment of Saint Petersburg, Russia since her energy seemed very…

Digital Perspectives

Value of Purple of the Washington Square Monument. Used pentool, gradient tool, paintbucket, and paintbrush on Photoshop. Saturation of the…

Digital Figure Drawing

  These Digital Drawings were in-class observations of a model. Each have different time intervals, different value ranges, pos/neg space,…
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