One Week Trash

I tried to make trash into expensive things. (looked expensive)

After I record my daily trash, I realized that I produce so many trash every day. Those details I might ignore. The movement to throw rubbishes is so normal that I will ignore that. If I did not record the trash that I throw I would never realize how much trash an adult can make every day. It just like using a credit card. When I received my monthly bill, I would be so superised that I spend so much money this month. Even though I swiped my card only for fifty or sixty dollars every time, for . one month it will be thousands of dollars. Just like the credit card, I throw only one plastic bottle each time. For a week, it will be twenty bottles.

  • Tell us in which category you produced the most waste: Food, Clothing, Making/creating, or other
  • Tell us what material was your largest category of waste: Plastic, Metal, Paper, Glass, Fiber, Styrofoam, Other
  • In your LP post, commit to ONE SOLUTION that can help you to diminish personal waste this semester. (always having a canvas bag for shopping to reduce plastic bags, carrying a reusable coffee mug to reduce disposable cups and lids, etc)

Form the one-week trash project, I found out the most waste that I produced is Food.

Plastic is my largest category of waste.

One solution to solve this problem is to always carry my own water bottle.

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