
final project for [un]fashion class spring 2021


how can I play my best role in society?
through the pandemic, i realized how everything else is secondary to my mental health. how can i be the best at my job or the best to the people around me when i’m not giving myself enough love. the only way i can be productive in society is if i prioritize my wellbeing. i do this by walking in nature and spending time with myself and removing myself from everything in my life. i love to wander and get lost in these forest spaces. it clears my head so easily.


i wanted to create an image where I appeared to be floating to give the sense of a lighter soul. I wanted to appear to be one with the trees, to be enveloped by the trees. i also chose to include the decaying tree in the background to symbolize that life isn’t perfect, I will never be perfect and that’s okay. in our society, it is taboo to speak of mental illness. it is expected to have mental perfection and just like the tree, many times there is no such thing as perfection.

styling choices:

red: referenced in a past project symbolizes femininity.

dress: comfort and free feeling. no restriction. the natural design of plants growing on the front to show growth and connection to my natural self.

coat: gold a symbol of wealth. my wealth lies in my happiness, not in a paycheck


other images taken:

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