foragers safety guide

This project was created as a starting point that will be expanded on more in the future. I was required to create an event and supporting materials to make it possible. I focused on the safety needed when dying with plants and foraging for your own materials. Many people pick wild flowers or other plants […]

heirloom curtains

vintage fabrics passed down to me from a relative were preserved and celebrated by creating curtains using the various textures and fabric types. The element of light passing through the space was very important when creating these pieces. Two sets of  curtains were made. set 1: set 2:

embroidery up-cycle

for an up-cycle project I decided to take this shirt that I didn’t use very often and add some color and texture. I was inspired by the Sashiko technique and created my own design   shirt before: sketches: final shirt:  

seasons in the sun

style 1: pattern features two Side pockets and elastic waist. comfort and fit is prioritized. fabric from thrift store   style 2: pattern made to resemble flared denim style pants fabric from thrift store style 3: pattern from style 1 adjusted into shorts fabric thick cotton    

Got Mycelium?

Working in collaboration with a night market I designed a strategy to implement Mycelium into single night events for a less harmful impact on the environment. experiments for prototype:   midterm presentation: final presentation: This project was not only about reducing the waste in this one event but to ignite a spark in viewers to […]

puppy love jacket

I created this jacket for Dominick with imagery of his two dogs. The pattern for the jacket was made from scratch to fit his body perfectly. I used a cotton duck fabric to allow for durability as well as comfort. He wanted a jacket that had room for a sweater to be worn underneath but […]

Aurora Gallery

I worked for months to prepare for the installation of my work into a local gallery. Gary Brown Art in downtown Aurora gave me the space to show my work in whatever way I wanted. I showed a variety of my work to give examples of all the mediums I enjoyed working in. Here is […]

resilient communities

This project was completed over the duration of the semester for my integrated design studio class. I was required to choose a space and research how covid has altered it. Then taking my research findings I created a design to solve some issues I had discovered. presentation document:


final project for [un]fashion class spring 2021   how can I play my best role in society? through the pandemic, i realized how everything else is secondary to my mental health. how can i be the best at my job or the best to the people around me when i’m not giving myself enough love. […]

little sister

photo i worked from: file to break up each layer by color:   drawing pattern on fabric:   assembly of layers on wood:   fimal product:     final thoughts: i really enjoy this medium and plan to experiment more. this type of portritaure has never been done before. it is very time consuming and […]

im on fire

Unspoken: not expressed in speech. This project is meant to bring light to the lack of education and conversation surrounding menstrual health. styled with tights and lingerie because they are transitional objects that represent the movement from being a child to being an adult. Similarly to a period which signifies a girl becoming a woman. […]


i created this piece by cutting strips of fabric and sewing them through the stretched fabric. The pattern created changed over time and took its own shape. this process was very long and tedious but created a beautiful texture. different fabric types changed the texture the stitched would create.

back to black

this project was made as a reaction to the feelings I associate with living in a big city. women are often objectified and put into dangerous situations because of their bodies. When I lived in New York I would daily walk through the city going wherever I needed to be. I went to extra lengths […]