puppy love jacket

I created this jacket for Dominick with imagery of his two dogs. The pattern for the jacket was made from scratch to fit his body perfectly. I used a cotton duck fabric to allow for durability as well as comfort. He wanted a jacket that had room for a sweater to be worn underneath but […]

little sister

photo i worked from: file to break up each layer by color:   drawing pattern on fabric:   assembly of layers on wood:   fimal product:     final thoughts: i really enjoy this medium and plan to experiment more. this type of portritaure has never been done before. it is very time consuming and […]


i created this piece by cutting strips of fabric and sewing them through the stretched fabric. The pattern created changed over time and took its own shape. this process was very long and tedious but created a beautiful texture. different fabric types changed the texture the stitched would create.

back to black

this project was made as a reaction to the feelings I associate with living in a big city. women are often objectified and put into dangerous situations because of their bodies. When I lived in New York I would daily walk through the city going wherever I needed to be. I went to extra lengths […]

blue boy

i took an image of some graffiti, when I was traveling, that always stuck with me. It’s the beautiful work of Tona. while he does his elaborate pieces children often gather to watch. While they watch he takes pictures of them and paints them on some other wall in some other city. His work that […]

how to fight loneliness

using my adorable dog Bella as a model I created a costume that pulled from theatrical wrestling outfits because of the unique shape of her head. She clearly has the personality to save the galaxy and now she has the costume. Her mask comes with a pocket for treat storage as well as a bark […]

patch it up

when reflecting on the topic of ‘tribe’ I was questioning what makes a tribe. a tribe is a group of people tied by one or more things, this can be religion or blood. My tribe is my family. We are tied by the memories we share. Our memories are documented in photo albums and frames […]

dear boy

I began this process thinking about the body. I spent a long time turning over in my head what the concept of body meant to me. I began to work through my personal experiences with touch and how my body has reacted. This project grew out of a place of vulnerability and my experiences with […]

NO. 1 tag shirt

Using approximately 350 clothing tags I created a shirt to represent the labels given to us through our lives. As time goes on we collect more and more labels that others give to us. We wear them, they become a part of our fabric. From a distance the individual tags are unrecognizable, but as the […]

ill be seeing you

I started this project by creating a pattern that resembled a button down blouse, I cut the pattern to be cropped so my pieces of fabric would fit properly. I used samples of lace that were found in the scrap bin. This project was full of detailed work to keep the seams small and clean […]


I started this project making a pattern for some pants. I always struggle to find pants that fit me correctly so I was excited to begin this process to learn how to make pants to fit me. I was lucky with the pattern making process and didn’t have to redo anything after my first draft. […]

ocean eyes

INSPIRATION: I was inspired to look into this topic after watching my birth. My mother filmed herself giving birth to me and it was an amazing spiritual experience watching that with her. I am fascinated with women’s rights and how society views us. Women are capable of the most amazing unexplainable things and they deserve […]

Finding the courage

I was given an assignment to make a short clip of a gesture of movement that showed an emotion. I decided to express a battle of emotions I experience often. -Going through life feeling like you are walking on eggshells hoping not to draw too much attention -cowering at things that overwhelm you, hiding, backed […]

Who Are We?

Stereotypes are often applied to people through objects and uniforms, characterizing how we think, interact, and judge each other. In our project, we want to break those stereotypes by creating a variety of objects that will juxtapose their original purposes in society. Through various alterations of color, material, and size we will create a series […]

Unite installation

proposal  ‘Unite’ is an installation that will stay up for four days. It  consists of fabric being strung from tree to tree. The fabric will lay flat and horizontal. Many layers of fabric will overlap with one another to create different filtrations of light. The pieces of fabric will be pulled fairly tight to decrease […]

self portrait

  This is the original drawing that I created and scanned in. Scan-0008 Then I created these drawing to decide what to do next   Then I did created this final project using photoshop and sewing   I really enjoyed the critique. Once we found a rhythm it worked really well. I really liked everyones […]