Massive Light

A video exploring technologies that mediate inaccessible material worlds, either massive or molecular, including light microscopy of nutritional supplements, UFO sightings and abductions, patient testimonials of assisted reproductive experiences, and geothermal activity. (Blair Bainbridge, Stephanie Schiavenato, Mercedes Villalba, FelipeMeres) 


A utopia of the crowds, a city designed for sensory overload, emotional extremes, and deindividuation where the romantic notion of psychological interiority is everted and becomes a romance of the surface. Ochlotopia is a series of enclosures: infinite interiors nested one within the other. Through blasts of color and sensation, the gleeful gaudiness and excess…

Silent Barn, Brooklyn Utopia

Rather than an organized society, here is utopia as bricolage of everyday life, an experiment in living affordably in an unaffordable place. This project explores aesthetics, space, and community through the medium of photography.This is the information gathered from these anthropologists’ journey into Silent Barn. All photos were taken at the Silent Barn art collective…

Votum Carminis

Combining Arendt and Sloterdijk, a 3D print of a womb and a prayer as performance, this is the promise of new lifeforms, human and transhuman… This is a performative chant/prayer combining songs from the Paris Commune, with Quranic verses and transhumanist slogans. (Amy Osika, Muniba Khan, Ramon De Haan)  

Concern-free Decision-Making Simulator 

A text & click based computer game where no matter how hard you try, you cannot fail. Have you ever made a decision in a game? Games imagine worlds changing by players being forever empowered by the choices they make. But you are supposed to pay the price for making the right choice. VVV thinks…