I don’t think I’ve ever been challenged as much as I was this semester taking this studio course. As I have mentioned before, I have only worked with 2D materials for my entire life and it was incredibly difficult for me to step out of my comfort zone and make something three dimensional. Even though I was told that I needed to expand further outside of the materials I was using (such as cardboard, boxes, and construction paper), to me that was my way of exploring while staying confident that I could make something I could be proud of. Yes, I could have taken more risks, but I still believe that I got to experiment much more than I have in the past and that I have learned a lot. I also believe that it could have benefited me to have taken Space & Materiality for the first semester, because I would have been able to learn about the Making Center in a more structured environment, which is what I needed.

As for the class itself, I thought that each and every project was very interesting and thought provoking in its own way. I chose to take memory because I have always been interested in psychology, and this course fed that fascination. I loved the warmth and openness of the class- my professor, Amy, and my classmates were incredibly encouraging and I really don’t think I could have asked for a better studio class.

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