Space Final-Seating Device

I want to create a seating device that can be placed in a library, where people need a private space to do their work. My design allows people to do so and, at the same time, saves a lot of space in the library. Even though people sit together, they are not interrupting with each other.

Drawing Development/ Sketch

Bristol Models

Chipboard Model

Mechanical Drawing

Tape on floor with human proportion

Mini Wood Assignment

Final Wood Model

Front View

Side View

Scale-up Photoshop

Connected/ Disconnected

For my project, I made a corset that symbolizes me being disconnected to the world. Three layers of the “opening” of the corset represents how I “protect” myself from others. And the bolts facing outward creates a distance between me and others.

Development sketches:

Collapsible structure:

Bristol/ Chipboard Model:

Final Object:

Concept Photos: