Looking Back – Looking Forward

This semester has been a ride, but the focus for me towards this course has been very solid. I learned strategies to get over the heavy load of info I had to take in for this course. I found my strategy very useful in some cases as I already possess the ability to put two and two together to make sense of fragments of knowledge. I’ve gained a ton of knowledge on how art is connected with a culture over the span of history, and this course allowed me to use the knowledge of which culture had what materials to work with and how and why their styles created such pieces. The backstories that I dove into made a lot of my previous witnesses on historical objects make sense to me, their stories explains what the object was created for and why it exists. This course is challenging to say the least, but the professor made the otherwise dry and undesirable learning process much more enjoyable with more interaction between both students and her usage of simpler language, it makes the understanding part much easier to get through. With the diverse pool of students with different interests for majors, I am able to get much more information from sides of an argument or observation through their commentary, and I think it’s the greatest aspect of choosing to come to America for study yet.

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