Space and Materiality: ASSIGNMENT #9

Stage 1: Quick Research and Preparation

Description: for this assignment I had to research art forms and objects that use the concept of serial planes or similar construction with different materials. I used the internet to research objects, such as tables, chairs, and sculptures.

This table is made up of the concept of serial planes using the material of wood.

It is inspired by handmade Mexican planes and made with intersected serial planes. Designed by: Design Milx

Using wooden materials this table is also constructed with serial planes.

Sculpture made by David Smith created with painted steel.

Chair made with serial planes.

reflection: This assignment gave me more insight into what we will me working on throughout the other phases of this assignment. After researching 3d object with serial planes I understood how these objects are created by attaching the objects by interlocking them. I am really impressed my the first table I posted on this assignment and how by using serial planes even a table can be made and designed.

Phase 2:

Description: For this assignment I had to create ten 3D paper sketch models using regular writing paper. I used a stapler and folded the paper in order to create the 3 dimension.

I created 10 different 3D models out of regular paper.

Reflection: This assignment gave me greater insight on how to create 3 dimensional objects with just cutting and stapling. At first when I looked at the examples I believed it was going to be harder than it actually was. After understanding how to fold the paper and in what ways to cut it I was able to create different forms and shapes. In order for the paper to fold properly I had to cut it using an exact knife and I cutting mat.

Part 3: Foam core abstract structure 

Description: For this assignment I had to create an abstract structure using regular foam board. While creating this abstract structure all pieces had be serial planes and apply them by using mechanical connectors. I used toothpicks and cut a part of the foam board to inter the other in order to put my structure together.

I cut up an old mood board in order to recycle to be ablate create the structure.

Reflection: Throughout this assignment I was very entertained and concentrated in putting all the pieces together. At first I has a structure idea in mind but when I started constructing it it came out different than I expected. I had to change some things throughout the process but overall I am satisfied with the finished piece.

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