For this Non-Human Project,

I chose to be a HAWK, like this guy ↓↓↓


And as a hawk, the first necessity I need to guarantee a nice living life is a home—-a qualified space for me to place my nest. It should be up on high in a tree and has a clear view so I can easily scout out prey. For instance, it should be somewhere like this:

Thus, I chose out some special area in Tompkins Square Park. This special spot in the center of the park has some really tall trees which enable me to examine every little detail in the whole park.

Now since I’ve chosen my spot, I can finally start building my nest….


Except for my self-built nest, I also saw some interesting houses that some humans had made for me. Even though I didn’t move in because they don’t provide me as many comforts as my own nest, I still wanna say that I like these houses very much, and I appreciate them for trying 🙂

I know that being a vegetarian is trendy nowadays, but I have to commit that I will and can never be one in my life. As a 100% meat eater, my diet includes all kinds of different animals, from snakes to lizards; rabbits to grasshoppers; and fish to mice. Technically I also eat squirrels, but since the squirrels here in New York City are amazingly strong and extremely tricky (probably because they’ve eaten too many humans foods), I have to cross them out of my list.

And that makes mice become my primary choice:


Please don’t feel disgusted by it. In order to stay strong and breed my children, I need to take in enough amount of protein. Therefore, foods like mice are essential.

Mice in the city live on garbage produced by human beings. That’s why in order to catch more mice, I wish they can be exposed more often, thus enclosed trash bins like these can be really frustrating for me.

However, if one day that all the trash bins can turn into open bins like this, that will truly be my “dream comes true”


Okay…that’s enough for today. I’ll see you next time!

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