[LS] Int Studio 2: B1.1 DECONSTRUCTION

How to create your own magazine

  1. First of all, I will make a mind-map to help me expand my ideas. For example, my theme is survival, then I will start to think about what is survival, what we need to do to survive or who needs to survive, etc. Also, when I do mind-map, I will ask different people to extract more interesting ideas. 

  1. Secondly, create a mood board. This is a very important step that determines the basic theme of your magazine. To do this, you need to do a lot of research to support your ideas. You should simply and clearly tell the reader what you want to express. Little tips: Pinterest can always help you.

  1. Third, make a list of your magazine content. This is a very annoying step. For me, I am always changing my mind and it is difficult to decide the order of its content. Whenever I am upset, I will skip it and take a break to make a new decision. Then I draw a sequence diagram to determine if this sorting is reasonable, and then combine the advice of a friend to get the final result.

  1. Next is the most important stage of all the steps, that is, “content.” My magazine contains a total of six content, namely interview, profile, photo essay, AD, menu, psychological counseling agency. With these big directions, the next step will be easier.

  1. Since the theme I am doing is about ghosts, my interviewee is a ghost. By the way, this is a free-themed magazine, you can do whatever you want, whether it is true or not. I connect ghosts to the world of human, give them life, and live like ordinary people. This is a very interesting step for me, because I can think about the world from a ghost point of view, or let your friends answer questions, you will get a lot of interesting ideas. When I do this step, I always get more new ideas from the answers. 

  1. Profile is mainly about the introduction of a person (or ghost) / things. For my theme, I need to virtualize a character. This is a very simple step, the only challenge is that you may need to think about how to connect this avatar in one of the next steps.

  1. Photo essay is also a very interesting step because you can start to taking a lot of photos. Photographs are an important element of a magazine that enhances the layering of the entire magazine. This is one of my favorite steps. I photoshopped my face into white, like a ghost, and added a lot of weird backgrounds. There is a theme I like very much, talking about a ghost who is exhausted in Parsons, so he sleeps everywhere in the Parsons every day.

  1. AD and Menu are also two very interesting steps. For me, what it needs is more hands-on ability. There is an interesting story here. My card was deactivated for nearly three weeks, so I couldn’t buy a monthly-subway card, I unexpectedly kept three weeks subway ticket. Interestingly, they all came in handy in the magazine, I used them as ghosts past to the human world, and bound them in magazines, the effect is surprisingly good. Because I like calligraphy, I wrote a Chinese menu in calligraphy and used a lot of things you wouldn’t think of as cooking materials. It was also bound in magazines, giving people a very new feeling. 
  1. All of the above steps are done on the computer, and now the most important and most stressful thing is that you need to print it out, and you have to start thinking about the material of the paper you need. I chose tracing paper to create a feeling of nothingness, and it tool a long time in Blick, I also bought some things to decorate the magazine (not everyone needs this step).


  1. After completing all the above steps, you need to take a good sleep. Unfortunately, I wasted too much time on the previous steps, so I had to stay up all night to finish my final step, but my class was at 9 am in the next morning. Fortunately, I have friends to help me. Although my time is very tight, I still enjoy this process. I am constantly developing new ideas to make this magazine more attractive. The final answer is “I did it.”


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