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draft design brief + reflect on FNBK process

1) Upload a copy of your final FNBK entry, then reflect on the FBNK process and project: What was it like to observe one location over several weeks?  What kind of changes did you see? Did the data you record become more meaningful over time? Did you enjoy making observations? Do you have any recommendations for the FNBK process overall? Will you continue an observation project in any way?

Observing one location over several weeks feels pretty interesting. If I was not told to do this work, I would not really pay attention to the changes in details. The most obvious visual change in the area I observed is a tree. It is a giant tree in the northern side of Union Square. It has a gradually change from vivid green color to yellow and to no leaves now. Recording the data and taking photos shows how the nature influences human’s daily activities and clothes. Sitting at the same spot facing the same objects brings me the feeling of time flying. New York City is too busy to slow down, but once I slow down, there are some amazing views that could be caught and bring pleasure to life. I might continue go to the same spot in the future as well. I might not really write down anything, but just sitting there and observing the things happened around me and appreciating the beauty of nature.

2) A draft of your design brief as a graphic design poster

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