7.25 Competition Research

LIVMUN’s competition includes other high-school model UN conferences. One of our nearest competitors is Fairlawn High School Model UN (FAIRMUNC). It’s a high school-student run, high school-student targeted conference positioning itself as an easier conference for newcomers to MUN, which is approximately what we’ll be presenting ourselves as. Their website and promotional materials do not use a logo other than the UN logo:

For many high school groups, going to model UN conferences is not an either-or decision; a group could come to both FAIRMUNC and LIVMUN. Therefore, our similar positioning should not be a problem. National Model UN, a group for college students in MUN, uses fairly basic branding:

The main difference between NMUN and LIVMUN is that NMUN is open to college students while LIVMUN is only for high-school students. LIVMUN also is angled towards students with less MUN experience preparing them for more advanced conferences like SHUMUNC (at Seton Hall University) or YMUN (at Yale University).

Although I would rather not use the exact UN logo in the LIVMUN logo, I really like the idea of incorporating elements of it into the logo and branding.

This is a very literal and exact use of the UN logo in their own, but I still like the execution of it.

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