Time Final

This class has taught me a lot since the beginning of the semester. We explored a lot of areas and pushed our selves in various ways. Before this class, I have never used InDesign or Premiere and now I can comfortably say I know at least the basics of both programs and will continue to use them in future projects.

In our final project, we were asked to create an interactive piece that shows process and time. I wanted to create a book that also is a journal and it is up to the reader to fill it out the way they desire. We as people go through different emotions each day and we record them as memories, but unfortunately, not all of them stay in our minds forever. This book is to time stamp and archive a lifetime of memories. In this book, the reader is given the chance to write down whatever they want under each given emotion and by this, the reader will see how they developed their feelings in time and see how their mindset has changed within a certain amount of time.




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