D+TM #10 Julie Morel
A mind map is two-dimensional representation organizing a collection of data. These data are associated in a “rhyzomatic” spatial arrangement. Mind mapping has become very popular in the last 10 years, due to broad use of keywords and non-linearity subsequent to the emerging of the Internet. But mapping ideas has always been a concern in the visual arts and is not new.
Our session together will be an exploration of mind mapping through various examples in visual arts and the realization of two mind maps:
– one as a notation exercise to help in learning and/or remembering something new (emphasis on information gathering).
– one as a way to creatively map out an theoretical/practical understanding of a subject (emphasis on graphic and visual form).
Intro/Examples : 30mn
Map #1 : 45mn
Map #2 : 45mn
Presentation of realizations : 30mn
Bio: A degree in ENSAB, Paris (under the guidance of Christian Boltanski and Tony Brown) and a post degree in ENSAD Paris.
She is the member of several art and curatorial collectives : incident.net, Kom.post, Le sans titre, and values collective work and art as experience.
As an artist, she exhibits her work regularly in France and abroad, either in identified institutions (Pompidou Centre, Glasgow Sculpture Studio, Neuchâtel Art Centre…) or in alternative spaces (White Space Zürich, Le bon accueil Rennes, Basekamp Gallery Philadelphia…).
As for teaching, she began as an assistant professor at the National Fine Art School (Paris), and then became a professor at the EESAB (European Fine Art School in Brittany). During her career, she was invited to present her work in places such as the University of South Florida, Columbia University, and UQAM (University of Quebec in Montreal).