Faculty Profile: Félicie D'Estienne D'Orves

Faculty Profile: Félicie D’Estienne D’Orves

Core Studio Spatial [BFA]

Félicie d’Estienne d’Orves (FR) works with new medias, light and sculpture to create a contemporary form of kinetic art. Through her videos, sculptures and projections she has been researching for many years on the process of vision and its conditioning. She collaborates with experimental and electronic music artists, thereby opening another dimension in her research on perception by adding sound to her artworks.
Physical experience and interaction are inherent to her creative process, in which she involves the viewer’s own body in relation to the artwork. With its kinetic characteristics, the object of art triggers cognitive engagement.

Her work has been exhibited at the Centre Pompidou (“Ecoute” 2004), Nuit Blanche Paris (2008), Pommery Cellars (Experience Pommery#9) , Maison des Arts of Créteil (Exit Festival), Nemo International Biennial of Digital Arts in Paris, Elektra Festival in Montréal (BIAN), New Art Space in Amsterdam (Sonic Acts Festival), OCAT in Shanghai, OCT Museum in Shenzhen, Watermans Arts Center in London, Namsan park in Seoul. Her work was supported by the Pierre Bergé Yves Saint Laurent Foundation, CNC DICRéAM (Centre National du Cinéma), London Greater Authority, Seoul City.
