Abstract Piece ‘itayca’

For my final pieces, I used my first piece (red, pink, yellow) on photoshop to experiment with different colors. After creating the first piece with thinking of my relationship with one person, I wanted each piece to represent my feelings towards a certain person whom I shared an emotional relationship with. So i started painting each piece with with colors that remind me of each person’s aura.


These are the final pieces that i decided to display.

In the beginning, i wanted each piece to have a sort of identical pattern/flow, but then I decided to let go of that and just paint with the lines harsher or softer depending on the emotions I felt towards each person.



To create the red and yellow piece, I decided to recycle a wooden panel I found on the floor, which led me to many difficulties later as I couldn’t find the same size or thickness of the wood in any of the supply stores I visited. This led me to cutting my own wooden panels in the E4 Lab which was a great because I learned to work with scraps and cheaper wooden panels and resize and cut them on my own.

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