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Bridge 3

For this project we were put into groups of three, I was grouped with Rania Khan and Nicho Ferez. We started off this project by going to Grand Central station and asking strangers a series of questions. Using their answers we pin pointed the most interesting ones and created a character out of it, thus George.

Using our fictional character George we had to create a box to demonstrate him. Using our story that we wrote about in Seminar ,we then wrote about his objects:

            George’s main objects are his trench coat, his pocket watch, and his briefcase which carries his musical scores or sheets that contain his music. George also wears worn down penny loafers as he is unwilling to spend his money on things such as clothes and anything else related to his physical presentation. Both the penny loafers and his trench coat are a prime example of Georges financial situation. The clothes are also dated as George is a rather old soul the way he presents himself represents that. Georges pocket watch is a symbol of George’s fear that he is losing time and the world seems to be happening around him at the moment. The pocket watch is also a symbol of George’s craft as it is a loose reference to the tempo of a song. The clean handkerchief that can always be found in George’s pocket shows Myrtle’s presence as she is always caring for him and cleaning it when needed. He often falls asleep in his clothes and he does so in his big green worn away velvet armchair in his library, this usually happens when he is drunk or high, which is the majority of the time. He also always carries around a pocket watch and a small oxford dictionary in his pockets of his beige trench coat. He also carries around a brown leather briefcase filled with his musical scores (music writing paper). Although it is not often that he opens his briefcase to work but he carries it around everywhere just in case he gets sudden inspiration and it is his life’s work that he is too scared to lose (emotional attachment after losing his parents so suddenly and is scared to loose anything else important to him). He will even carry it with him when he is going round the corner to collect something, there is never a minute it is out of his sight and the only person he allows to look after it other than himself is Myrtle.

This helped us come up with in idea for a box. We decided to create a brief case much like the one he had in the story. Instead of a buying a brief case we used cardboard and glueguned it together with on side open.

Then to fill the brief case we made musical scores. We made two original ones which we then photocopied plenty of times. Then to create an old and used affect, we put wet tea bags and water colour on the paper. We also realised it would be a good idea to have something to hold everything in the brief case. As George wasn’t a practical man we decided not to make a lid out of cardboard but actually to use chains to hold it together. (below in Nicho writing the musical scores and the chains)

Then we set out to get more items to put inside the brief case to represent George. We first went to goodwill where we found some old mens penny loafers to which we then painted and grated the sides of to give them a worn/old affect. From good will we also bought a classical music CD which we scratched up to demonstrate how careless George is.

Then we decided to not buy anything else but to make all the other items we wanted to put inside the brief case, this induced his black pocket watch, a bottle of alcohol and the miniature Oxford dictionary. We made these three items out of fast drying clay and then painted them using acrylic.

Then all we had to add to the brief case was something to demonstrate George drug use, for this we found an old small  plastic packet and filled it with sugar to represent Cocaine. And the old looking envelope with contained the will left to Mertle, for this we again used wet tea bags and water colour to create old looking affect.  Then we labelled the briefcase ‘George Müller’ in an old fashion style to represent his old fashioned life.

The Final Piece:

I am an English multidisciplinary artist raised in London and refined in New York. I am constantly inspired by urban life and youth culture. The curious, enigmatic and often provocative elements of both urban life and youth culture help to fuel my work. In a sense the two are ever changing, innovating and growing, something I can relate to with my creative practise. I often pursue my projects down a political route and equality based themes, raising eyebrows and having people question themselves where I can. To Quote Banksy “Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable”. Perhaps due to my English upbringing where sarcasm and self depreciation is a first language and my straight to the point nature has enabled me to dig deep into problems of our culture. Much of my work is in the form of social commentary. Including issues of racism, sexism, mental health and feminism. “Any form of art is a form of power; it has impact, it can affect change - it can not only move us, it makes us move” - Ossie Davis Being an Integrated design major has allowed me to explore many pathways as well as hone in on my strengths as an artists. The mediums in which I steadily shift between and frequently combine are fashion design, photography, styling, graphic design, documentary film and art. I like to go back to the routes of my practices wether it be working by hand or using analogue cameras in stead of digital as it installs me with a sense of fulfilment and an appreciation for the past. Though this may be my mantra I do not allow it to limit me. For example digital experimentation, most notably my mixed media work. In my process I am much of a documentarian as I like to see things through from beginning to the end, allowing myself to be at either ends of a garment or accessory’s timeline . In my photography and styling practices and I a keen collaborator and relish in any opportunity to work with a fellow artist or designer. Having Grown up in two of the fashion capitals of the world my senses have been heightened to sustainability and ethical practise with in the fashion and arts world. The pressures of being a Gen Z artist and designer having to fix the mistakes of those before us, creates non stop challenges. But what is art, if you're not challenged by it?

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